Untitled 1

Me And The Environment


2 minutes minute read

Young people today are more passionate than ever to conserve the planet. “I can’t go to school if it’s underwater!” “But is God going to obliterate planet Earth, and take us to heaven instead?” “I care about dolphins choked by plastic bags. I care about ice caps melting. Does God?”

What a privilege it was to address these issues with you at Newday 2022! If you enjoyed my talk I’ve pulled together some more great info for you that we have here at Solas. They’re all FREE to read, watch, listen to and most importantly to SHARE with your friends, classmates and youth leaders.



Why Should We Care About the Environment? – From our Short Answers series

Is Christianity Bad For the Environment? – From our webinar series



Creation Stewardship: For the glory of God and the good of our children – An introduction to the value of creation by a Christian ecologist.

Have You Ever Wondered Why The Environment Matters? – By my friend Andy Steiger, as part of our Have You Ever Wondered? Series.

Frontlines: The Scientist – A top cancer researcher shares how important God is to his life and work.


As I mentioned, the organisation I work with is called Solas (the Scottish word for ‘light’). We love producing thought-provoking content that gets you and your friends talking about Jesus, including a podcast, webinars, short videos and articles.

Have You Ever Wondered? – A collection of short videos and articles great for getting people thinking about Jesus if they aren’t normally interested.

Short Answers – These short and shareable videos help address common objections and stumbling blocks for those considering the Christian faith.

A Beginner’s Guide to Apologetics – Want to get a handle on the basics of Christian apologetics (giving reasons for believing in Jesus)? We’ve created this beginner’s guide just for you!

PEP Talk: The Persuasive Evangelism Podcast – Our fortnightly podcast gets you inspired and equipped to share your faith more confidently and naturally with friends and family.

I loved coming and speaking with you about a topic you care about. I hope Solas can help you think through lots of other topics, and see how you can shine the light of Christ into all kinds of areas of your life. If you sign up for our newsletter we will send all our latest content to your inbox once a month. It’s a great way to keep in touch and keep encouraged!

Or follow us @solascpc on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube.

Andy Bannister

Director of Solas