Finance Update Aug 2020
Simon Brading
4 minutes minute read
In June, we shared our current cash position setting out the financial deficit caused by having to cancel the 2020 Festival. Since then we’ve received gifts and donations, including taking an online offering last week at The Newday Experience which raised £22k, and therefore we are delighted to share the deficit has been reduced to -£52,500; which is incredible considering the huge hole that we were looking at just a couple of months ago. A huge thank you to everyone who has given.
The financial impact of having to cancel the 2020 Festival is still significant and we still need to reduce the outstanding deficit further to ensure Newday is in the strongest possible position going forward, and to minimise as much as possible the impact on a single local church.
Please consider whether you or your church are able to stand with us at this time and help financially. You can give online by clicking the link below.
We are mindful that for some of us this current season will have brought financial stresses with possible job insecurity, business losses, or reduced income. We, therefore, appreciate that not everyone will be in a position to give financially at this time. Whether you're able to give or not please pray with us, as together we ask God to provide.
Thank you.
The Newday Team
Example TEXT block H2
We are mindful that for some of us this current season will have brought financial stresses with possible job insecurity, business losses, or reduced income. We, therefore, appreciate that not everyone will be in a position to give financially at this time. Whether you're able to give or not please pray with us, as together we ask God to provide.
Here's a H3
We are mindful that for some of us this current season will have brought financial stresses with possible job insecurity, business losses, or reduced income. We, therefore, appreciate that not everyone will be in a position to give financially at this time. Whether you're able to give or not please pray with us, as together we ask God to provide.
Whether you're able to give or not please pray with us, as together we ask God to provide.
- Whether you're able to give or not please pray with us, as together we ask God to provide.
- Together we ask God to provide.
- We are mindful that for some of us this current season will have brought financial stresses with possible job insecurity
- Whether you're able to give or not please pray with us, as together we ask God to provide.
- Together we ask God to provide.
- We are mindful that for some of us this current season will have brought financial stresses with possible job insecurity
This is an example Boxout
Whether you're able to give or not please pray with us, as together we ask God to provide.
Together we ask God to provide.
We are mindful that for some of us this current season will have brought financial stresses with possible job insecurity
An image caption can go here with a link
Terms & Conditions
Here's some T&Cs about the download. I guess this could be incredibly long or incredibly short... who knows.
We are mindful that for some of us this current season will have brought financial stresses with possible job insecurity, business losses, or reduced income. We, therefore, appreciate that not everyone will be in a position to give financially at this time. Whether you're able to give or not please pray with us, as together we ask God to provide.
It can even have a heading
Please consider whether you or your church are able to stand with us at this time and help financially. You can give online by clicking the link below.
- Whether you're able to give or not please pray with us, as together we ask God to provide.
- Together we ask God to provide.
- We are mindful that for some of us this current season will have brought financial stresses with possible job insecurity
- Whether you're able to give or not please pray with us, as together we ask God to provide.
- Together we ask God to provide.
- We are mindful that for some of us this current season will have brought financial stresses with possible job insecurity
You have been successful! Yay