Team IT


IT whizz kid? We need you!

Our TechOps team are responsible for our Ian infrastructure across the 160 acre Showground: everything from WiFi to Security Cameras; POS systems to database management. If you're a dab hand at IT we would love to have you on the team!

Running cables, configuring IP addresses, giving out WiFi passwords, setting up printers and much more, the TechOpsteam are a huge part of making Newday happen. Some knowledge is essential, but complete expertise not required.

What hours will I work?

TechOps is a full time team, with a high degree of flexibility required.

When do I need to arrive?

Ideally, the Technology team would arrive during Set Up week and be available for Take Down too. Additionally, we are open to applicants who can only do Set Up or Take down. Set Up takes place from Wednesday 23 - Sunday 27 July. Take Down happens from Friday 1 - Sunday 3 August. Please get in touch with us if you may be able to help.

How do I sign up?

If you'd like to sign up for the TechOps team please email us at [email protected] and give us a little bit more information about yourself.