Tent Jpg

Newday 2014, wellies and worship!


Kimmy Levey

2 minutes minute read

Camping and I have a love-hate relationship.

Having been brought up on a diet of camping holidays and rural trips I am no stranger to getting my hands dirty and shoving on a pair of wellies. But once the mild frostbite and summer-time colds kick in, my love for camping somewhat dissipates.

Newday and I, however, have a love-love relationship.

For one week in summer, life outside of Newday seems to cease to exist. You turn up at the start of the week, pitch up your tent, organise who is sleeping where (because the middle of the tent is the warmest but if you fidget in your sleep someone will likely attack you with a pillow) and within a few hours of moving in it feels like you’ve been there for ages.

The week does not pass without someone bursting into an a-cappella rendition of ‘The Kingdom Skank’ (cue everybody dropping what they are doing to dance…) The worship at Newday is always spot on. Perfect to get you moving, laughing and praising unashamedly.

The meetings are fantastic. Thousands of young people learning more about God and being filled with the Holy Spirit all around you is such an incredible thing to experience. The preaching and seminars are enlightening, deepening your understanding of the Bible and answering those difficult Big Questions. There really is something for everyone. More often than not the hardest decision is actually choosing which seminars to attend! (Not to fear though, you can find them all on the Newday website under downloads).

My friends and I always have such a brilliant time at Newday and we have so many inside jokes and hilarious experiences from our years of attending. It’s a great place to meet new people and strengthen friendships with people who know and understand the things that you go through as a Christian teenager.

Newday will always hold a special place in my heart and I am so excited to be going back!

PS. A little word of advice to newcomers: pack wellies and flip flops. The weather at Newday will swing between the two extremes. You will inevitably be soaked. (Whether by the rain or the water-fights is yet to be seen…)

Kimmy Levey

Currently studying for a degree in Journalism at the University of Sheffield, Kimmy loves to write and is also a keen photographer.